Rasmi Sade

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As Malaysians, we are no strangers to the importance of formal communication in our daily lives. One of the most common types of formal communication is the "surat rasmi" or official letter. These letters serve a wide variety of purposes, from expressing complaints to requesting services.

Recently, a letter has been making the rounds on social media platforms. This particular letter is an example of a "surat rasmi" that expresses a complaint about the high prices of food. It is well-written and formal in tone, demonstrating the writer's understanding of the importance of professional communication.

The writer of the letter begins by introducing themselves and stating the purpose of the letter. They then proceed to describe the specific issue they are having, which is the high prices of food. They provide specific examples and statistics to support their claim, which adds credibility to their argument. The writer also makes sure to use formal language and proper grammar throughout the letter, which is crucial when writing a "surat rasmi".

This letter is a great example of the importance of clear and concise communication, especially when dealing with official matters. By using proper language and tone, the writer is able to convey their message effectively and increase their chances of receiving a satisfactory response.

As Malaysians, we should all strive to communicate in a professional and respectful manner, both in our personal and professional lives. Whether it's a complaint about high food prices or a request for a service, the use of proper language and tone is crucial to ensuring that our message is heard.

In conclusion, this example of a "surat rasmi" serves as a reminder of the importance of clear and concise communication in formal settings. We should all strive to communicate effectively, using proper language and tone, in order to achieve the best results in our official communication.

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Dear valued readers, today we would like to share with you some helpful tips on how to write a formal leave letter when you are taking a sick day off from work or school in Malaysia. Nobody likes being sick, but sometimes it's unavoidable. Whether you are feeling a little under the weather or suffering from a more serious illness, it's important to take the time off you need to recover fully. So, let's dive in and explore some basic elements of writing a proper leave letter in Malaysia.

Addressing the Appropriate Authority

The first and most important thing you need to do when writing a leave letter is to address it to the appropriate authority. If you are working, you should write the letter to your immediate manager or supervisor. Make sure to use a salutation like "Dear [name]," to start the letter instead of using informal language. If you are a student, your letter should be addressed to your school principal or head teacher.

Date and Reason for the Leave

The next step is to clearly state the date and reason for your leave. Make sure to include the exact date you intend to take leave and the date you plan to come back. In Malaysia, you are generally entitled to 14 days of medical leave per year, including hospitalization leave. Always keep your employer or school informed of your medical condition to avoid any misunderstandings.

Doctor's Certificate

If you are going to take a sick leave from work or school for more than two days, you will need to provide a medical certificate from a doctor. This is a legal requirement in Malaysia and cannot be skipped. So, make sure to visit a doctor and get a proper diagnosis and medical certificate to present to your employer or school.


In conclusion, taking a sick leave is a right that every employee and student is entitled to. It's important to always go about it in the proper way by writing a formal leave letter, addressing it properly, stating the exact date and reason for the leave, and providing a medical certificate if necessary. With this informative guide, we hope that you now know how to write a leave letter appropriately, so next time you fall sick, you'll know what to do!

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Halo semua, ada berita panas yang mau saya kongsi! Tadi saya terjumpa satu gambar lawak yang sangat menghiburkan dan menarik. Gambar tersebut adalah tentang PENGASINGAN KUASA DI MALAYSIA PENGAJARAN! Serius, saya tergelak besar tengok gambar tersebut.

Sekiranya anda belum melihat gambar lawak tersebut, saya nak kongsikan dengan anda semua. Gambar tersebut memaparkan seorang ahli politik kita dengan muka yang kelihatan sangat tidak puas hati pada satu majlis. Beliau nampak sangat merundingkan sesuatu dengan rakan sebelahnya dan di sebelah gambar tersebut ada satu tajuk yang memang membuat kita gelak besar.

Mungkin gambar tersebut disasarkan kepada ahli politik kita yang selalu menengahkan isu-isu politik di negara kita. Saya percaya ia merupakan satu penghiburan buat semua rakyat Malaysia kerana kita memerlukan beberapa ketawa di tengah-tengah suasana politik yang semakin memanaskan.

Hal ini dapat menjadi satu pengajaran untuk semua kita untuk memilih pemimpin yang baik, bijak dan memperjuangkan kebaikan rakyat. Kita tidak mahu melihat gambar yang sama, berulang-ulang kali dalam negara kita. Memilih pemimpin yang baik dapat mencetuskan perubahan positif dalam negara kita.

Akhir kata, kita semua perlu mengekalkan semangat nasionalisme kita dan kritikal terhadap apa yang berlaku di dalam dan luar Negara. Semoga gambar ini dapat menjadi satu ruang untuk kita semua untuk memperkasakan diri kita dan berfikir secara kritis dalam menentukan sebuah pilihan.

Terima kasih kerana sudi membaca!

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